Life is like music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

CoMing So0n

Went out for a movie wif my cuz Gurly and our friend Adam. What movie did we watch?? COming Soon.. no.. the title of the movie is COMING SOON.. ok some ada yang nda tau ada ni movie.. yea you can find this movie in GSC kk.. 1st of all this is a Thailand Horror movie.. well.. it is well known that Thai's Horror movie mmg best la..most of them.. But COMING SOON??!! OMG!! what a BIG DISSAPOINMENT!! Sdh la the movie boring, plus 2 kampungan ladies at the back..astaga..non stop talking as if they are watching movie back at home ah..and one of them keep on pressing her hp (SMSing I assumeD) and the sound from that hp...ergh...annoying btl o0!! K..back to the movie, I give the movie 0 out of 5 stars, it is THE BEST WORST MOVIE OF THE YEAR so far.. well guys..percaya atau tidak..mmg buruk.. if you guys dont believe me..well go and watch it urself and rasalah ur RM9 ticket burned! Not worth at all to spend your money and time on this movie.. Sampai my cuz Gurly keep on asking me 'moi ko mo keluar?' But since that alang² sdh dlm cinema, half way lgi I said we just tgk saja la smpai habis. This movie teda erti langsung, lousy, lousy, lousy..and the end of the movie I was like 'huh??ni ja??astaga!' Well guys here's the trailer for the movie (nmpak ja best~~ceh):

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